Martes, Marso 8, 2016

The Case of the Killer Robot

            How much does a human life costs? You can't give a value of life because life is priceless. 
Almost all the employees of Silicon Technotronics are guilty in this case. It seems that people throughout the case articles would rather blame other people rather than themselves. The succeeding sentences will present you the wrong attitude of everyone who is involve in the project. The project was not developed based on a realistic schedule and estimations. Both Ray Johnson and Sam Reynolds realize that it was impossible to deliver the product perfectly within the time constraint provided by the executives. However, both Johnson and Reynolds were choosing to force their engineers to do the impossible project, instead of trying to convince the executives that their time constraint given to them was inappropriate.  Ray Johnson would rather “stick” to his old experience in manufacturing hardware and apply those same methods to software development. Furthermore, he’d rather use Cindy as a means to preserve the Robotics Division.”. Cindy Yardley collaborated with Ray Johnson to manipulate the software results of the test. Ray Johnson was unethically order Cindy Yardley to create fake test document by using his power as Head of Robotics Division. This action was a violation of the code of ethic since Johnson was asking his engineer to do such action that was inconsistent with the code of ethic.  Max Worthington for allowing the communication between Yardley and Johnson without any intervention or notifying the proper authorities. The above people synergistically created the conditions of an uneventful event that was bound to happen. Ray Johnson should be responsible and held accountable for Bart Matthew’s death. Ray used his authority to manipulate Cindy for his own selfish needs. He was fully aware of the problem with Randy Samuel’s program and he was not going to let it hinder the project’s deadline. Ray is more concerned with his job as head of the Robotics Division rather than the lives who are at stake in the operation of Robbie CX30. Obviously, Ray placed a price on the life which is nothing compared to the profits on the robot’s project. Cindy Yardley would not have allowed Robbie CX30 out the door without passing the software tests. She was in a way “blackmailed” in the sense that she had to go against her moral values as a condition of her job and her co-workers. The weight of the guilt was placed on Cindy’s shoulders. Randy is not only responsible. In fact, the protocols have been damaged by Ray Johnson.  Also, people in Techtronics never inform the operator that the software has exceptional conditions which were clearly stated in the requirements document.
            Yes, they are all guilty in this case but above all, I truly believe that real issue in this case is who is the most responsible for allowing the Robbie CX30 to go out the door without proper due diligence.


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